reg. no. 89137-4001-RR001
Tara "Boom" Houston Children's Foundation
P.O. Box 20171, St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4



Many hands make light work!

We appreciate all of our volunteers! Donating their time and talents …touching some pretty special lives!


Many hands make light work!

We appreciate all of our volunteers! Donating their time and talents …touching some pretty special lives!

Busy little volunteering bees at Taraboom

. . . the time YOU give to strengthen YOUR community and improve others’ quality of life as well as your own. 

Here at Taraboom we coined our phrase of . . . touching some very special lives! And that we do!

Did you know?

Some, LOTS actually, of the board and our fabulous pool of volunteers have been with Taraboom since “her” very beginning in 2003. That is a commitment <3

If you or someone you know would be a good fit in working with our families we would love to hear from you.

We’re always looking for help!

While we try to do it all sometimes ~ it is physically impossible to visit or get to all the families in our coverage area. That’s where you can help!

We are looking to spread Taraboom all through Southwestern Ontario as outlined in our assistance area map. From the shores of Lake Erie to northern shores of Lake Huron!

As the Foundation grows, and our need to help more, we are always on the lookout for compassionate, professional individuals to take on the various roles as Community Outreach Volunteers.

You won’t go it alone and you will get full board support every step of the way.

Thanks for your consideration in volunteering with us… we look forward to hearing from you!

the busy bees at Taraboom

Contact us at: Today!

Have you seen our reach?

Looking for compassionate, professional individuals to take on the various roles as Community Outreach Volunteers. If you or someone you know would be a good fit in working with our families we would love to hear from you.

Too often the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a helping hand, or the smallest act of caring is under estimated. Volunteering does more than help our families that apply; it changes their outlook, mood, hopes and so much more. 

As a Taraboom volunteer you will witness first hand the relief you (we) can give to a family. You can hear it in their voices, see it in their faces. 

All positions within Taraboom are strictly volunteer and all involved are sharing their time and talents in “…touching some pretty special lives!”

Volunteers do not necessarily
have the time; they have the heart.

Be sure to get in touch!

Volunteering has been proven to have many benefits for you as a volunteer.

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