Alongside Tara’s Parent is an OUTSTANDING board of directors. These ladies, well most of them have been with the Houstons and volunteered their precious time since the beginning.
Tirelessly these amazing women give Taraboom their very precious time to help with some pretty amazing families. Thanks will never be enough for all each and everyone does here.
Amazing to have this strength in a board to do what we do, and what we have done for over 20 years now, and as well as we do it.
You can’t do this volunteer job without it touching your heart.
As great as they are…. they are sometimes a little difficult to herd together for this photo op! Pictures coming soon!
While we try to do it all sometimes ~ it is physically impossible to visit or get to all the families in our coverage area.
That’s where you can help!
We are looking to spread Taraboom all through Southwestern Ontario as outlined in our assistance area map. From the shores of Lake Erie to northern shores of Lake Huron.
As the Foundation grows, and our need to help reaches all across SWO, we are always on the lookout for compassionate, professional individuals to take on the various roles as Community Outreach Volunteers. You won’t go it alone and you will get full board support every step of the way.
TIA for your consideration in volunteering with us… we look forward to hearing from you!
the busy bees at Taraboom
Contact us at: Today!
Taraboom is “staffed” by some pretty amazing people that have been with the Foundation since its beginning in 2003.
It is their love of Tara, admiration of the Houston’s and their genuine desire to make a difference that has kept the Foundation strong and growing.